
Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Exponents 25 November 2014

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WALT - try to get a high score

This game is about exponents. You have to figure out Evaluating exponents, Equations with exponents and Exponents with fractional bases. You can pick a number from one hundred to four hundred in any column. I really understand what exponents are and I want to learn more of it.

Thursday, 30 October 2014



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WALT : Find fraction of a set

This is a fraction game called Mathman. This game is just like pacman but has questions to answer. This game is really easy but you have to try and catch the ghost so that you can answer your question. When you get the little flowers it will be really easy to catch the ghost. I would really like to get a high score on this game but I have to get trying, trying and trying.

Scale drawing

Scale drawing


I learned to use scale to enlarge my drawing. This picture is showing that I can enlarge the small picture into a larger picture onto the page. For me this was quite easy because I am good at drawing but I knew that this was a new topic for me so I just give it a go. I don’t really care what people think of my drawing.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Fishy fraction

Fishy fractions

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WALT - Choose the right equivalent fraction

This game is a about Fishy fractions. Fishy fraction is a fraction game but it is about a bird that tries to catch fish. This game confuse me but I still try to get it right. To me I think that I found this game easy but not in the first round. Next time I want a challenging game.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Name the shape

Name the shape

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WALT - Name the shape .

In this game, I had to name the shapes in this game. I find this game really easy because I knew all the shapes. It took 22 seconds to answer all these questions. I didn't really know the shape that looks like a diamond but facing quarters. I had to give it a go but I still got it right. Next I want to learn

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Softball 28 May 2014


Noes, toes before throws
images (1).jpg

Door knocking knuckles
Letter V
squash the bug
and eyes on the ball

Four bases
three strikes
two teams
one winner
its not just a game
but a way of life
softball this is my destiny

Friday, 23 May 2014

This is how you brush your teeth 23 May 2014

This is how you brush your teeth 19 May 2014

It is very important to brush you teeth 2x a day
the reason why you need to brush your teeth 2x a day because when you don’t brush your teeth you are just leaving all the plaque and your teeth will become rotten and will fall off. To brush your teeth you will a toothbrush and a tooth paste.

First you must start off as putting toothpaste onto your toothbrush.Screenshot 2014-05-23 at 11.09.33 AM.png
So what you want to do is brush on the outside of your teeth,
but make sure to brush on the gum line to get rid of all the plaque
When you are brushing on the gum line you want to make circular motions then sweep.

Next is the inside of the mouth. As you can see in the inside of you
mouth you can see at the bottom of your jaw and the top
Screenshot 2014-05-23 at 11.11.18 AM.pngat the end is your big tooth so its very easy to
brush, but you need to get rid all the plaque that is on on your tooth.

Then in the inside of your teeth on the side that is where you want to brush because that is where all the plaque is hidden, sometimes your tongue can get in the way. So make sure you brush in the side of the teeth on the side near you tongue. There are also a lot of plaque hidden and that is at the back of your front teeth top and bottom.

Finally you want to rinse your mouth with water because when
you finish you don't want to leave of the plaque in your mouth
without being rinse so make sure when you are finish brushing you
teeth also rinse them with water.

The final result is that always brush your teeth 2x a day and always remember it is always important to brush your teeth.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Brushing your teeth

Brushing your teeth 20 May 2014

Everyday you must brush your teeth two times a day, Morning and Night time.

You will need a toothpaste and a toothbrush


Pit a little bit of toothpaste on the toothbrush.

Then brush your teeth. Brush your teeth in little circles.

After that rinse your mouth with water.

And there you have it fresh and clean teeth.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Swimming 8 April 2014


Learning to swim in the sun is really awesome cool and fun

it is cool to jump in the pool but when it’s cold our skin looks old

We take a shower to get more power but when it’s warm the weather is torn.

We cover our towels around our selves that when we freeze we start to sneeze

Friday, 21 March 2014

Caring for planet Earth 21 March 2014

Caring for planet Earth

Many people are taking big responsibilities for the Earth’s future, and that includes the environment too. What does Glen Innes school do for the environment ? we recycle, reuse and reduce our rubbish, And this is how we do it .

To begin with Glen Innes school always recycle paper, fruit scraps and Milk cartons. When Glen Innes school recycles paper, paper monitors come along and collect the paper. Once the paper is collected it is sent to the green paper bin then a big truck comes and collect the paper then it takes the paper to the factory where it’s going to be made into paper again.

Fruit scraps is also recycled like paper. The fruit scraps that we leave behind is sent to the Glen Innes school worm farm. Once the fruit scraps is sent to the worm farm the worms eat up the fruit scraps and then it turns into compost for gardens. Milk cartons can be reused, but it will be turned into tiles like the ones you see on the the roofs.

When you look at some countries like China it's polluted everywhere. As you can see in New Zealand it’s not very polluted. Everywhere is fresh air, sunny skies and shady trees, but thats not how it is in China. It’s cloudy, polluted and has lots of cars.

Trees are important to the environment because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen so we can breath, but if there wasn't any trees there would be no oxygen and people will die without trees on Earth. Trees grow fruit that we eat. The fruit are also healthy too, you know.

The final result is that when you throw something in the recycle bin you know that it will always be recycled and the trees will always be there to give you oxygen and give fruit for you.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014



Hi I am a girl, I am 10 years old.  My name is Lana .  I live in the suburb of Glen Innes , in Auckland, New Zealand.  I go to the greatest school in our area called Glen Innes. I am proud of my Green and Black uniform and wear it daily to school.

I have dark brown eyes, and black long hair.  

The things I like doing at school are to hang out with my friends , swimming , Basketball ,   and relaxing under the trees with my fiends .  Going swimming everyday is soooo cool.   I also love writing and updating my blog every week.. It is cool to see so many people from all over the world reading my writing.

Like all the students in my class, I like food.  I enjoy eating bakery food, pizza and hot crispy chips but my favourite is Mcdonalds .
I have many friends at school too.  In school we get together to play Basketball .  I love playing Basketball  with my best friend, Sina . Sometimes we get together after school and hang out.

Glen Innes is quite a boring place to be in.

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