Room 11
Glen Innes school
25 September 2015
Dear Mrs Parks
I would like to say thank you for your help in my writing. At first I was struggling and my grade level was low, so I wasn’t pleased. But thanks to your help. I have improved heaps in my writing.
The video clips bought the most joy to me. It was so cool watching the video and it really blew my mind. The videos were so inspiring like the black piranha. The videos are also easy to describe too. We also did art based on the black piranha video.
I understand the diamante poem that we did. The thing that was hard to do was thinking of words that describe the thing or person and to make it easier for me, my teacher said we had to do it on the black piranha. So, the diamante poem was easy and that was the one I understood.
Another thing with me is editing. Sometimes, when I have finished writing a story, I just don’t check it which is a problem. Usually I don’t edit it because I haven't finished my work so I use my editing time to finish it off. But now, I have to write faster so I have time to edit and then I won’t have any trouble.
Now that I understand how to write my stories properly, I can also edit my work. I would like to say thank you again for your help in my writing.
Yours sincerely