
Friday, 26 February 2016

Auckland is rated the third most liveable city in the world.

Auckland is rated the third most liveable city in the world

The thing about Auckland is that it just feels like home. Plus the best thing about Auckland is they have beautiful beaches and there's fresh air to breathe. Plus there is many cultural species to be friends with.  Plus there are parks that little children love, well that is what I use to to love. I think that Auckland is great because it feels like home.

Michaecla and Samantha

Michaecla and Samantha

This morning we were introduced to two girls that were our age. One thing about things girls were, they loved swimming and every single day they would wake up from 5:00am to swim before school starts. It is very kind for them to donate swimming togs to our school. Our school is probably the luckiest school that gets swimming togs for free. As they first arrived I could see how they had a lot of medals and some other awards or coming first, second, third in swimming. Someone that young gets a lot of medals, I'm impressed. 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

E-asttle - Maths

Walt: solve problems involving patterns.

On Friday we did our e-asttle maths test. As you can see I got a 3A, it's not that bad plus it's still the beginning of school. I'm quite proud of it but I want to aim for a 4B and make my way to a 5. So Next time I do an e-asttle maths test I want to improve to a 4B. Better luck next time.